You are the company you keep, so keep good company.
— Douglas Brooks
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Professor Douglas Brooks is a scholar of Hinduism who lived with his teacher for many years and practiced Srividya, Auspicious Wisdom, and the modern traditions of goddess-centered Tantra. Brilliant, genuine, warm, witty, devoted, perspicacious, impassioned, humble, supportive, challenging, good company! This is the man to sit with through lifetimes. Sign up for courses at

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Desiree Rumbaugh is a luminous beacon of hope whose innovative teaching offers insight into human conditions and transformative pathways for wellness. Des is an authentic, joy-filled inspiration to an international community who know her mantra LOVE IS STRONGER THAN FEAR. Check out her schedule at

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Sally Kempton is a brilliant teacher who pierces your heart and opens you to discoveries on meditation, devotion and contemplative tantra using her great understanding of Vendanta and Kashmir Shavism, infused with the wisdom of evolutionary spirituality and cutting-edge psychology. Deeply grateful to have her veritable guidance and teaching transmission in this life. Opportunities abound at

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Susanna Harwood Rubin inspires through her passion for hindu myth, mantra, mudra and more using writing and art as tools of self-discovery. She is a masterful Storyteller who shares ancient wisdom with modern accessibility inspiring many around the globe to celebrate an embodied life. Find out about this Devi at

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Sue Elkind leads from her heart and immense experience teaching yoga and training yoga teachers for over 20 years. Sue and hubby Naime Jezzeny are  passionately dedicated to a life full of truth, integrity, and beauty through the gifts of family and yoga. Sue elevates individuals and connects communities, advocating radical wellness, she is my mentor and dearest friend.

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Jillian Pransky has steeped deeply in the study of yoga therapy, restorative yoga and integrative wellness, influenced by Erich Shiffman and somatic movement therapist Dr. Ruella Frank as well as many others, Jillian humbly shares her extensive knowledge and experience with compassion and love. Get to know her at